Do you want to start your business but confused about which entity is best for your needs?
Based on your business requirements and nature of business, we will guide you to finalise the registration of suitable business entity for your business.
Contact us for free consultation.
Private Limited Company is a business entity structure which is preferred by the start-ups which helps to raise funds.
One Person Company, as name suggests, is a form of Private Limited Company with a single owner who do not want to share profits.
Limited Liability Company is a hybrid structure of Private Limited Company and Partnership Firm. LLP is suitable for professionals, small business etc.
Partnership Firm is traditional form of business entiry wherein two or more partners come together to do business and share profits.
Public Limited Company is a business entity structure which is suitable for mid-size and big businesses who wishes to raise funds from public.
Sole Proprietorship Firm is most traditional type of doing business which requires least complaince and is a form of unregistered entities.
Foregin entities / nationals can register wholly-owned subsidary who wants to start their business in India.
Section 8 company is special entity registered with sole purpose of charitable activities. Unlike a trust, this is corporate business structure with limited liability.
Features | Private Limited Company | One Person Company | Limited Liability Partnership | Partnership Firm | Proprietorship Firm |
Seperate Legal Entity | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Limited Liability | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Number of Members | Minimum - 2 Maximum - 200 | Minimum - 1 Maximum - 1 | Minimum - 2 Maximum - No limit | Minimum - 2
Maximum - 20 | Minimum - 1 Maximum - 1 |
Number of Directors/Partners | Minimum - 2 Maximum - 15 | Minimum - 1 Maximum - 15 | Minimum - 2
Maximum - No limit | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Foreign Investment (FDI) | Allowed with both routes | Not allowed | Allowed with prior approval | Not allowed | Not allowed |
Perpetual Succession | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Statutory Compliance | High | High | Low | Minimum | Minimum |
Ideal For | Startup and Small Businesses | Sole Business Person | Professionals | Small Businesses | Sole Business Person |
Know More | Know More | Know More | Know More | Know More |
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We are known for providing out of the box services to the clients after understanding the nature and operations of clients' business.