Being the Company Secretary Firm, we provide various services which are required to be done by Company Secretary in Practice as per relavant laws which conducting various audits, certification services etc.
Contact us for free consultation.
We provide company secretarial services for certification for various company law matters and listing matters and certifications which are required from Company Secretary as per various laws.
We provide Due Dilligence and Audit services as required under various corporate laws related to takeover, merger, joint venture and we also provide services of conducting Secretarial Audit under applicable law.
We provide advisory services for various corporate restructuring matters and special purposes such as Merger, Amalgamation, Business Transfer, Revival of Company, Joint Venture, Takeover etc.
We are quick on responding to client's enquiries and needs with suitable solutions to fulfil client's requirements on time.
We provide services to our clients with dedication and we ensure that the work gets done on time to achieve better results every time.
We are known for providing out of the box services to the clients after understanding the nature and operations of clients' business.